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in Constraints in the Economic Development of Rajasthan by (42.0k points)
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Write an article on the obstacles and solutions in economic development of Rajasthan.

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by (49.7k points)
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Rajasthan is a developing country. In order to speed up economic development of Rajasthan, the idea of planned development process had been adopted since 1951 in the form of first five year plan. The availability of drinking water has always been a problem in desert regions. In such a situation, it is very difficult to develop agriculture, animal husbandry and industrial development. Due to the absence of irrigation facilities and lack of rainfall, the level of agricultural production is low. However, farmers are also deprived of other sources of income such as animal husbandry, poultry farming, cottage industries etc.

Due to the status of Aravalli, the level of rainfall in the eastern districts of the state remains high. But as the western districts come under the rain shadow region, they remain dry. In these districts, the level of rainfall is very low. In the western part of Rajasthan, about 61 per cent of the total land area of the state is deserted which cannot be put to any use. In the state, the only river that flows throughout the year is Chambal. Here, one has to depend upon the monsoon for water supply to fulfill the agricultural and other needs.

Due to lack of irrigation facilities in Rajasthan, there is also a lack of allied activities along with agriculture. As the possibilities of irrigation are extremely limited in the dry regions of the state, there is a need of giving more emphasis to conserve and sensibly utilize the available moisture. The form of crops should be such which is favourable to the availability of moisture, by which it would be possible to increase the production of crops. Under the economic development of the state, the joint sector should be developed, so that a more practical pathway can be carved out of the exploitative nature of uncontrolled capitalism and the lethorgy and incapability of the public sector.

More surveys should be done to identify the future possibilities of industrial and mining development in the state. Appropriate and sensible utilization of minerals should be done. There is need to pay attention on financial management in order to check the extravagence of financial resources and to increase employment. For this, a capable team of analysts and experts can be formed and the entire planning system can be strengthened. Economic development of a state takes place by the strengthening of edurational, healthcare and social structure along with basic infrastructure.

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