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in Folk Culture by (50.3k points)
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Enumerate prominent folk dances of Rajasthan.

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by (44.1k points)
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Prominent folk dances of Rajasthan are as follows : 

1. Fire Dance : This dance is performed in the night and dancers cross the pile of ambers many times. Dancers play with fire as they are playing with flowers, not with fire. 

2. Bamarsia Dance : A large Nagada is used in this dance. Holi song and Rasia are also sung along with dance. 

3. Ghoomer Dance : This is popular dance of whole Rajasthan. This dance is performed on cuspicious occassions and festivals. 

4. Terahtali Dance : This is a dance of Kamar. This dance is performed in the silting posture. In this dance women take part. 

5. Bhawai Dance : This dance is famous for its charisma. Unique dance form, wonderful physical traits and variety of movments are major characteristics of it. Dancing fast with seven to eight pots on head, lifting the hand-kerchief put on flower with mouth, dancing on glasses, dancing on the edges of plateau, etc. make this dance adventurous. 

6. Gavri Dance : This dance is performed for the worship of Maa ‘Garajyas’. This dance is performed by men only and female characters are also played by males. 

7. Kalbeliya Dance : Currently this dance has been enlisted by UNESCO. This is famous dance of Sapera caste in Rajasthan. 

8. Gair Dance : During the festival of Holi, this dance form is performed everywhere. 

9. Geendar Dance : This is popular dance form of Shaikawati. Different roles are played, like, sadhu, hunter, seth-sethani, bride-bridegroom etc. are worth mentioning. 

10. Chang Dance : Chang dance is for men. Every man has a Chang and he dances in a circle blowing chang. 

11. Dandiya Dance : It is a popular dance of Marwar. In this dance, a group of men dances with long sticks in their hands. 

12. Dhol Dance : This is famous dance of Jalore which is done by men. Four or five dhol are beaten together in it. Dhol dance is generally performed on wedding ceremony.

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