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in Biology by (51.5k points)
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On a visit to his hometown in Gujarat, Aman went to the famous beach in the city. He was shocked to see plastic, paper, waste food, water bottle being thrown away on the beach and also floating on the beach water. On seeing this, Aman asked his father to talk to the care taker of that area to do something regarding this.

What can be the consequence of this situation on the environment?

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by (56.3k points)
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Spread of all these non-biodegradable wastes on the beach will go in the oceans with the waves. This will cause ocean pollution or marine pollution. This will lead severe consequences like: 

1. Effect of Toxic Wastes on Marine Animals 

Oil spill is dangerous to marine life in several ways. The oil spilled in the ocean could get on to the gills and feathers of marine animals, which makes it difficult for them to move or fly properly or feed their children. The long term effect on marine life can include cancer, failure in the reproductive system, behavioral changes, and even death. 

2. Disruption to the Cycle of Coral Reefs 

Oil spill floats on the surface of water and prevents sunlight from reaching to marine plants and affects in the process of photosynthesis. Skin irritation, eye irritation, lung and liver problems can impact marine life over long period of time.

3. Depletes Oxygen Content in Water 

Most of the debris in the ocean does not decompose and remain in the ocean for years. It uses oxygen as it degrades. As a result of this, oxygen levels go down. When oxygen levels go down, the chances of survival of marine animals like whales, turtles, sharks, dolphins, penguins for long time also go down.

4. Effect on Food Chain 

Chemicals used in industries and agriculture get washed into the rivers and from there are carried into the oceans. These chemicals do not get dissolved and sink at the bottom of the ocean. Small animals ingest these chemicals and are later eaten by large animals, which then affect the whole food chain.

5. Affects Human Health 

Animals from impacted food chain are then eaten by humans which affects their health as toxins from these contaminated animals gets deposited in the tissues of people and can lead to cancer, birth defects or long term health problems.

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