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in Prose - The Night the Ghost Got in by (49.7k points)
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Use this passage to play the game. You can collect information on other famous personalities and play too.

Charlie Chaplin was bom on April 16, 1889, in London England. His birth name was Charles ‘ Spencer Chaplin, though he had many nicknames growing up such as Charlie, Chariot, and The Little Tramp. His father, Charles Chaplin, and his mother, Hannah Chaplin, were inducted into the music hall of fame, leading the way to his exposure even as a young boy.

His first on stage moment was when he was 5 years old; he sang a song that was intended to be sung by his own mother; she had become ill at the time of the performance, so little Charlie Chaplin stood instead and performed for his mother. Charlie Chaplin came to the United States in 1910, at the age of 21. He was brought to New York, which was known to be a great place to start out for anyone trying to become a professional actor. Two years later, in 1913, Chaplin signed his very first contract at Keystone and it was no time before he headed to Hollywood. His first movie premiered in 1914, “Making a Living, ” and went on to make over 35 movies total in that year alone.

Charlie Chaplin grew to become one of the most popular and successful actors of all time. The moment that really kicked off his long career was in 1921 when he starred in, and produced, his first full length film called “The Kid.” From then on, most people all over the world knew Charlie Chaplin and loved his movies. He had a great career and life, dying on December 25, 1977, in Vevey, Switzerland. He had apparently died of natural causes in his sleep from old age.

(i) Is the personality a female character?

(ii) Is he a political figure?

(iii) Is he from the Film Industry?

(iv) Is he a comedian?

(v) Is he from India?

(vi) Is the person alive?

(vii) Is he an artist from his childhood?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (49.1k points)
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Best answer

(i) No 

(ii) No 

(iii) Yes 

(iv) Yes

(v) No

(vi) No

(vii) Yes

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