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in Supplementary - The Little Hero of Holland by (52.2k points)
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Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Many years ago there lived in Holland a boy named Peter. Peter’s father was one of the men who tended the gates in the dikes, called sluices.He opened and closed the sluices so that ships could pass out of Holland’s canals into the great sea. One afternoon in the early fall, when Peter was eight years old, his mother called him from his play. “Come, Peter, ” she said. “I want you to go across the dike and take these cakes to your friend, the blind man.

If you go quickly, and do not stop to play, you will be home again before dark.” The little boy was glad to go on such an errand, and started off with a light heart. He stayed with the poor blind man a little while to tell him about his walk along the dike and about the sun and the flowers and the ships far out at sea. Then he remembered his mother’s wish that he should return before dark and, bidding his friend goodbye, he set out for home.

(a) What was the work done by Peter’s father?

(b) How old is Peter and who is his friend?

(c) What was the job given to Peter by his mother?

(d) How did Peter spend his time with his blind friend?

(e) What did Peter remember while talking with his friend?

1 Answer

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by (54.5k points)
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Best answer

(a) Peter’s father tended the gates in the dikes, called sluices. He opened and closed the sluices so that ships could pass out of Holland’s canals into the great sea.

(b) Peter is eight years old and his friend is a visually challenged person.

(c) Peter’s mother wanted him to take cakes across the dikes to his blind friend that she had made.

(d) Peter stayed with his blind friend and told him about his walk across the dikes. He described to his blind friend about the sun, the flowers and the ships which were far out in the sea

(e) While talking with his friend, Peter remembered his mother’s wish that he should return home before dark.

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