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in General by (51.8k points)

How can you manage stress?
Discuss the techniques of stress management.
Or How can you reduce the stress?

1 Answer

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by (266k points)
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Stress consists of bodily changes product by physiological, Psychological condition that tend to upset the homeostatic balance. Some below mentions Techniques have postive effect on reducing stress. 

1. Accept our capabilities & limits :- an individual has to accept his own capabilities & his limit. Look for the upside in a situation that whereven the most stressful circumstances can be an opportunity for learning or more personal growth. When he accept the reality. he know very well up to which level he can performance things beyond his performance level will not give him stress. 

2. Physical fitness :- Effect of stress can be minimised by increase the level of physical fitness of an individual. The goal of stress management is to use strees advantageously, not to eleminate all from one’s life. Too little or too severe stress lowers the performance. 

3. Yoga : By the yogic exercises, the level of the stress can be minimised such as pranayanes, dhyan, savasana etc. 

4. Psychological strong :- The level of stress & it’s bad effects can be minimised in an individual by make him psychological strong and taking advice of guidance counseller if required. 

5. Balance diet :- Balance diet help an individual to avoid the stress condition and to minimise the effect of stress. We have to take plenty of water, minerals & vitamins to avoid the stressful condition or to minize its effects. 

6. Avoid the company with stressful people :- To avoid stress it is necessary to avoid the company with people who are already living with stress. 

7. Environment :- It we make the environment according to our interest then only & we will able to enjoy the environment which can be made interesting by in ending the various things such as music, Audience etc. 

8. Exercise :- Exercise play vital role to reduce stress in our body by producing harmones which helpful for us to keep our self away from the stress. 

9. Avoid stressful thoughts :- Stressful thoughts should be avoided, to reduce the level of stress. 

10. Relaxation techniques : - Deep Breathing, pranayam, etc. can be used to relax our body to minimize the stress. 

11. Self / Auto suggestions :- help to self suggestion or self councelling minimize the stress eg: all is well, Yes I can. 

12. Busy Attitude :- Aloneness can increase the level of stress because in the alone condition we can not share our views / thoughts about the stress or the source of stress. So to avoid the stress or to minimize the bad effects of stress, keep ourself busy by various life skills. 

13. Load :- Our daily life load such as training, homework, duties, etc. can increase stress. To change or modify the load/ task can reduce the stress. 

14. Education :- Education help an individual to understand the stress, When an individual get all the knowledge about the stress then. It is easy to manage the level.

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