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in Physics by (405 points)
Give examples to illustrate the differences between centrifugal and centripetal forces

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2 Answers

+1 vote
by (39.6k points)

Centripetal force

Centrifugal force

It can be defined as the force that causes a body to move in circular motion.

It always tries to push a body away from the center or circular motion.

It always pointed towards the center.

It always pointed away from the center.

It provides an acceleration towards the center which is called as the centripetal acceleration.

Centrifugal force is caused by the inertia of the body.

+1 vote
by (47.8k points)
edited by

Differentiation Between Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force:

Centrifugal Force Centripetal force
Defined by Christian Huygens in 1659, "Tendency of an object following a curved path to fly away from the center of curvature. Might be described as "lack of centripetal force." Defined by Isaac Newton in 1684, "The force that keeps an object moving with uniform speed along a circular path"
Formula : F = ma = mv2/r Formula: F = ma = mv2/r
The direction is along the radius of the circle, from the center towards the object. The direction is along the radius of the circle, forming the object towards the center.
Centrifugal force is not a real force, it is the inertia of motion (moving) Centripetal force is a real force; it keeps the object from flying out.
It causes the tendency to move without turning It causes the tendency to turn towards the center
It causes to come out of a circular motion or of a turn This force causes to enter into the circular motion
It is caused by the energy of an object. Factors like gravitational force, electrostatic force and tension cause centripetal force.
Example: Mud flying off the wheel tire. Example: Satellite orbiting a planet.

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