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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Business Studies by (35.5k points)
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Explain the following characteristics of Principles of Management:

(i) General guidelines

(ii) Flexible

(iii) Cause and effect relationship

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by (34.5k points)
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(i) General Guidelines: Principles of management provide general guidelines or broad frameworks for decision-making and action within an organization. They are not rigid rules but rather fundamental truths or fundamental norms that guide managerial behavior and actions. These principles are applicable across different organizations, industries, and management situations. They provide managers with a foundation or framework to understand and address various management challenges and situations effectively. However, managers need to adapt and apply these principles according to the specific context and circumstances of their organization.

(ii) Flexible: Principles of management are flexible in nature, meaning they can be adapted and applied in diverse organizational contexts and situations. They are not fixed or immutable rules but are adaptable to different organizational structures, cultures, environments, and goals. Managers have the flexibility to interpret and apply these principles according to the specific needs, goals, and challenges of their organization. This flexibility allows managers to innovate, experiment, and tailor management practices to suit the dynamic and changing nature of the business environment.

(iii) Cause and Effect Relationship: Principles of management often describe cause-and-effect relationships between managerial actions or decisions and their outcomes or consequences. These principles explain how certain management practices or behaviors lead to specific outcomes or results within an organization. For example, the principle of unity of command states that each employee should receive orders from only one superior to avoid confusion and conflicting instructions. The cause-and-effect relationship here is that following this principle can enhance organizational clarity, coordination, and efficiency. Understanding these cause-and-effect relationships helps managers make informed decisions and anticipate the consequences of their actions, thereby improving their ability to manage effectively.

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