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What is Bulimia? Discuss it’s type, causes, symptoms and treatment in detail.

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Bulimia is a psychological disorder in which patient experiences regular bouts and serious over eating which are always followed by a feeling of guilt which can then lead to extreme reactions such as crash dieting, doing lots of exercise and purging. 

Types of Bulimia There are two types of Bulimia: 

(1.) Purging Bulimia: In this type of bulimia, the individual regularly engages in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas. The individual rapidly wants to remove food from the body before it can be digested. 

(2.) Non-Purging Bulimia: In this type of bulimia, the individual uses other methods to get rid of calories and to prevent weight gain. She/he uses fasting, strict dieting or excessive but does not engage in self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxative, diuretics or enemas. 

Causes of Bulimia

(1) Performance pressure in sports: Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are common among sportspersons. Usually gymnasts, racers and wrestlers are found to be affected by bulimia Coaches unknowingly contribute to eating disorders by encouraging sportspersons to reduce weight or maintain a low weight for presenting a better performance in sports. 

(2) Family history: Family history also plays a role in developing bulimia. Bulimia may develop to an individual whose parent, brother or sister has bulimia. It has some type of genetic link. 

(3) Psychological factor: Psychological factors such as low self-esteem, perfectionlism, impulsive behavior, depression and anxiety disorders etc. may be the causes of bulimia. 

(4) Social Factors: In fact, the persons who remain in media such as actors, dances and models are at higher risk of eating disorders. Such as bulimia and anorexia.

Symptoms of Bulimia 

(1) Makes excuses to go to the bathroom immediately after meals 

(2) Only eat diet or low-fat foods (except during binges) 

(3.) Regularly buy laxatives, diuretics, or enemas. 

(4) Fear weight gain. 

(5) Be intensely unhappy with body size, shape, and weight.

Treatment of Bulimia

(1) Healthcare provider should give a proper plan of physical activity or exercise to the person affected by bulimia. The affected individual should not perform excessive exercises to burn off calories consumed by taking more amounts of food. 

(2) Psychological treatment helps in improving symptoms of bulimia. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat mental ailments such as depression, negative beliefs and behaviors with healthy and positive ones. 

(3) In case of bulimia, to come back to a healthy weight should be given top priority. Dietician should prepare an eating plan to help you achieve a healthy weight. He should prepare an eating plan to help you achieve a healthy weight. He should provide education regarding normal eating habits and good nutrition. 

(4) Antidepressants may alleviate the symptoms of bulimia along with the psychotherapy or psychological treatment. Fluoxetine is the only antidepressant to treat bulimia.

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