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Briefly explain the effects of diet on performance. 

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An active lifestyle and exercise routine, along with eating well, is the best way to stay healthy. Eating a good diet with enough fluids can help provide the energy you need to finish a race or just enjoy a casual sport or activity. You are more likely to be tired and perform poorly during sports when you do not get enough calories, carbohydrates, fluids, vitamins, iron and other minerals, and protein. 

Daily Training Diet Requirements 

(1) Enhance adaptation and recovery between training sessions. 

(2) Promote the short and long-term health of athlets. 

(3) Provide adequate fluids to ensure maximum hydration before, during and after exercise. 

(4) Provide enough energy and nutrients to meet the demands of tainting and exercise. In your diet, include a wide variety of foods like wholegrain bread and cereals, vegetable (particularly leafy green varieties), fruits, lean meat and low-fat dairy products to enhance long term nutrition habits and behaviors. To know the role of particular diet, it would be better to know the role of essential nutrients on performance. These essential nutrients are described below:


Proteins are a part of our tissues including body fluids such as blood, they are needed for repair and maintenance of body tissues. Proteins are essential for muscular development. All sportsmen require a good amount of protein in their diets. However, sportsmen like boxers and wrestlers require more proteins due to wear and tear of tissues. 


Fats are composed of fatty acids. These are a better sources of energy. Fat Provides heat end energy to the body. Athletes and sportsmen require fat from light to moderate proportions, because fat is a source of fuel or energy for the body. 

However, high jumpers or gymnasts require only minimum amount of fat, because the extra weight can hinder their performance.


Carbohydrates are specially voluble food when a considerate amount of muscular work to be undertaken. Carbohydrate is an essential component of a sportsman’s diet because less intake of carbohydrates can result in exhaustion. Carbohydrates also provide strength and fuel for muscles. Therefore, an athlete’s diet should be rich in carbohydrates.


Vitamins accelerate the vitality, lightness, buoyancy and resistance of the body. Vitamins are essential for normal functioning of the body and good performance in sports. For example, Vitamin E helps in the treatment of heart diseases. Similarly, Vitamin C helps in the treatment of wounds.

The three Vitamins which have proved significantly are

Vitamin “B-Complex”. Deficiency of vitamin “B-Complex” has shown the decrease on the sports performance. Studies related to excess amount of Vitamin “B-complex” intake show both the improvement in performance and no influence on performance. So, there is further need for research to know the effect of this vitamin on the performance.

Vitamin “C”. Low level of Vitamin ‘C’ intake does not reduce the work performance significantly. Approximately,60 mg of Vitamin ‘C’ intake by non athletes and 300 mg to 500 mg intake by successful athletes do not have any harmful effect on kidneys.

Vitamin ‘E’. Vitamin ‘E’ has been claimed to have beneficial effects in the treatment of many diseases and specially heart diseases. Studies conducted on the use of vitamin ‘E’ have shown little or no effect on the performance.


In the diet of a sportsperson water is required as a solvent, a transport medium, a substrate in hydrolytic reactions and for lubrication. Water is an essential component of diet. Loss of water in the body can lead to nervous system disorder, headache and dizziness, However, excess amount of water does not show any improvement in performance. Thus every athlete/sportsperson should consume a wellbalanced diet incorporating all essential nutrients.


Minerals are required in a sportsperson’s body for various functions. Sportsperson’s body requires essential minerals like iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus etc. During sports performance, sweating can reduce the amount of Sodium from the body. It can be compensated by the intake of salt. However, excessive intake of salt can lead to Potassium loss or water retention. Iodine is also required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. 

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