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What do you mean by healthy weight? Discuss about the method to control healthy body weight for lifetime.

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by (64.8k points)
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Weight is a tough mass. The health benefits of staying at a healthy weight are huge and well worth effort. It helps is lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

According to national Institute of Health “ A healthy weight is considered to be one that is between 19 and 25 (BMI). If the BMI is between 25-29 an adult is considered overweight. If the BMI is 30 or greater, the person is considered to be obese”.

Method To Calculate BMI

To Know our body mass index (BMI), we divide our body weight in kg by our body height in m2.

BMI=Wight in Kg

         Height in m2
Under Weight < 18.5
Normal Weight 18.5-24.9
Overweight 25-29.9
Obesity Class A  30-34.9
Obesity Class B 35-39.9
Obesity Class C >40

Methods to control Healthy Body Weight 

1. Regular Daily Exercise: Exercise burns excessive calories or fat stored in the body. If consumption of calories is less than the numbers of calories burnt by the body, then it will be bad to weight lose. Aerobic exercise should be done. 

2. Set Small Goals: If one tries to lose too much weight too soon, then the person is likely to get demotivated. Therefore, it is important that small and realistic goals should be set in. Achievement of these goals further motivates the individual to lose weight. 

3. Cut Your Calories: keep a plan ready to get back on the track if your body weight begins to exceed the required level. It is a simple plan to follow. Just cut or subtract only 100 calories a day. In this way, you can return to your goal weight. 

4. Avoid junk food and Fizzy drinks: Consumption of junk food (Pizza, burger etc.) items immediately leads to weight gain. Therefore, to control weight consumption of junk food should be avoided. Consumption of fizzy drinks such as soft drinks and hard drinks have high sugar content. Therefore, consuming these drinks leads to weight gain. Instead, one can drinks lemon water which is a natural drinks 

5. Adopt a healthy life style: Instead of being lazy, we should try to be active. It works wonders in controlling weight. Use stairs instead of elevators or escalators; Walk to a nereby shop instead of using automobile; play outdoor games instead of computer games- all this contributes to healthy lifestyle. 

6. Adopt Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs: Alcohol, smoking and drugs always tend to increase weight. Alcohol is directly absorbed from the stomach in the blood stream and easily stored as fat. It is also applicable in case of smoking and drugs. So, never use such things, if you want to lose weight. 

7. Do not Overeat: One should not overeat. You should eat the food according to the requirement of your body. Suppose you require 2000 calories per day, then you should take the food that consists of only 2000 calories. If you take 2100 calories per day, the 100 calories will be accumulated daily as fat in your body. So, you should avoid overeating. 

8. Don’t Skip Meals: Never skip your meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner as far as possible. If you skip your meal, the next time you will definitely do overeating which may lead to obesity. In fact, skipping meals increases hunger and it results in greater food consumption next time. 

9. Yoga exercises: Yoga exercises are also helpful both for mind and body. Yogic exercises help to reduce weight. In fact, this power yoga is the latest craze. Mediative asanas also help in relieving the stress and tension.

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