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in Development of Nationalism in the World by (58.5k points)
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Describe the major events of the French Revolution.

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by (55.8k points)
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The major incidents of the French Revolution are as follows : 

  • Convention of the Estates Generate : (5 May, 1790) : After the resignation of Calone, the Palermas opposed the imposition of new taxes leived by the King, and demanded the convention of Estates Generale. The public and the army sided with the Palermas and this convention was held on May 5,1789. 
  • Tennis Court Oath (June 20, 1789) : The king locked the Assembly Hall to favour the elite on June 20, and under such conditions, the common classes held their assembly in a nearby tennis court. All the delegates took an bath to stay put on the tennis court till the constitution was made. This oath is called the Tennis court oath’. 
  • National Grand Assembly (27 June, 1789) : The king ordered a joint session of all three houses after being compelled to do so on 27 June. This was a victory for the people of France. 
  • Fall of Bastille Fortress (14 July, 1789) : In the duration of the constituent Assembly’s tenure, the king under pressure from the queen and the aristocracy, removed Naiker from the post of Finance Minister, and called in the army. A leader named, Casmile Desmola called upon the people to take up arms. On July 14, a crowd in Paris occupied the fortress of Bastille and freed the prisoners held there. This fortress had been a symbol of the king’s cruelty and oppression. Its fall meant the political demise of autocratic rule. 14 July was declared a national holiday. 
  • Abolition of special privileges (4 August, 1789) : The night of August 4, 1789 brought the beginning of a new era in the history of France. On this day, the elite, the aristocrat and the clergy classes voluntarily gave up their special privileges. The doors for state services were opened for one and all. 
  • Declaration of human rights (27 August, 1789) : The national assembly declared the charter of Human rights upon the proposal of Lafayette. This charter included those definite objectives and principles of the revolution, which the people could understand and relate with and which could become the basis of the constitution to be made in future. 
  • Women’s campaign : On October 5, about six-seven thousand women reached the emperor’s Versailles palace and began to demand bread. The king became a prisoner in his own palace. After ten days, the National Assembly also came to Paris. 
  • The written constitution of 1791 AD : A written constitution was prepared for the first time in 1791. This constitution was made on the basis of the wishes of the people and their writ. 
  • The King’s flight: On 20 June 1791, the French king Louis XVI was caught near Baren village while attempting to flee. This incident ensured the end of monarchy and establishment of a republic. The French king Louis XVI was sentenced to death on January 21, 1793 and hanged. 
  • September massacre : The military commander of Prussia ordered the French people to release the French ruler. He warned the people of dire consequences on non¬compliance of the dictat. This proclamation incited the French people. Dante put all those to death who were suspected of helping the King or the enemy countries. This massacre occurred between 2-6 September. That is why it is called the ‘September Massacre’. 
  • National convention (1792-1795 AD) : It ruled from 20 September 1792 to 26 October 1795. This period is known for the conflict between Jacobian and Zirondist parties and the murders committed by the Jacobians. In spite of this, the covention lent stability to the country and established democracy and republican regime.

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